Shark Finning
South Seas Tuna Corporation Limited (SSTC) does not endorse the practice of shark finning, which is the retention of any fins while discarding the carcass at sea. We will only purchase from vessel-owning companies that have a published policy prohibiting shark finning on board its vessels, and we will not purchase from any vessel that has been found to have finned for 2 years following the date of the most recent finding.
Shark finning violates the FAO’s Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and its International Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks, as well as the resolutions of a number of other international marine bodies, all of which call for minimizing waste and discards. Sharks, if retained, must be landed with fins naturally attached. In addition, this activity has contributed to major uncertainties about the amounts and species composition of sharks caught, and there is increasing concern that existing measures, including their enforcement, may not be adequately managing shark fisheries and protecting species of concern.
Shark-related conservation and management measures of the tuna regional fisheries management organizations (tRFMOs) restrict finning, regardless of fishing vessel gear type, through a proviso that the weight of fins landed cannot exceed 5% of the total shark catch on board.This can be problematic since the fin-to-carcass ratio can vary considerably depending on the species and on the different ways fins are cut (for some species/fisheries the ratio is closer to 2% or 3 %).In addition, storing and landing fins separately from carcasses leads to difficulties in enforcement and the accurate collection of catch data.