Social Accountability
SOUTH SEAS TUNA CORPORATION LIMITED (SSTC) recognizes the need for social accountability and is committed to continuously identify, assess, manage and improve the elements of its operations that impact on social accountability. In line with sound business practice, we will:
Conduct our business with fairness, honesty, integrity and respect for the interest of our stakeholders;
Comply with the laws and regulations within the country where we operate;
Prevent the use of child labor and forced or compulsory labor, improve workplace health and safety condition, support freedom of association and right to collective bargaining, prevent discrimination, uphold progressive employee disciplinary practice, and manage a lawful working hours and compensation structure;
Implement a management system with a defined documentation structure (policies, procedures and records), establish accountabilities and responsibilities, utilizing a risk-based assessment approach in identifying and prioritizing areas for improvement and potential nonconformity to social accountability and responsible business sourcing standards, and monitoring methods to measure social performance;
Encourage internal involvement and open communication among stakeholders, implement a fair and consistent complaint management and resolution to address workplace grievances and disputes, support external verification and stakeholder engagement to ensure a continuous and sustainable compliance with social accountability and responsible business sourcing standards, and manage an effective and efficient corrective and preventive action program to address nonconformity;
Provide awareness training on social accountability and where required job specific training for employees; and
Encourage suppliers and contractors to support our principles and commitment on social accountability and introduce programs aimed at supporting these.
SSTC is committed to comply with all the requirements of social accountability and responsible business sourcing standards and with national and other applicable laws and requirements to which we subscribe.
This policy also reflects SSTC’s commitment to the international human rights principles, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The policy statement further reflects SSTC’s part in being a good corporate citizen and the respect to human rights standards in the Sepik Community, Wewak, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea.