Environmental Responsibility
South Seas Tuna Corporation Limited affirms our highest respect to the environment and the communities sharing our operations. Our processes have been designed with latest available technologies taking into consideration the least environmental impacts and are being constantly evaluated for relevant upgrades. SSTC shall achieve harmonious balance between our manufacturing and environmental conservation so we may be able to share these resources with the future generations.
The following environmental principles guide all company activities:
We uphold legal compliance as the minimum standard for operating performance.
We will make environmental concerns an integral part of our planning and decision making process.
We strive to prevent pollution and minimize adverse environmental effects, including waste, emissions and discharges from our operations.
We aim to minimize the environmental impacts of our operations and product by the efficient use of energy, raw materials, water, and packaging.
We shall aim to reduce our environmental footprint by continually improving the efficiency of our natural resource consumption.
We utilize risk management processes to control the environmental hazards inherent in our activities.
We will continually educate our co-workers and contractors by raising awareness and by providing technical training where appropriate to ensure that the requirements for environmental responsibility are integrated into work practices. This will allow active participation of employees and contractors in making environmental improvement.
We strive to be a valued member of the community.
To support our policy, we:
Conduct operations in compliance with statutory and regulatory environmental requirements, and the SSTC Standards.
Regularly review environmental issues and set and review objectives, key performance indicators and targets.
Communicate openly with our co-workers and the community about environmental performance.
Develop and implement innovative technologies, industry best practices and effective management systems.
Carry out operations in the most energy-efficient way, including reviewing fuel consumption and comparing cost savings and environmental benefits by optimizing use of fossil resources where it is practicable.
Control of water quality and systematically monitored waste and effluent disposal.
Regularly audit our site to ensure compliance with all current environmental legislation.
The SSTC management and employees are fully committed to carry out the implementation of its environmental goals and objectives.